Covid-19 And Black Fungus; How They Are Related?
India is still struggling with disastrous Covid-19 while their daily number of deaths going up continuously. Amidst the prevailing health crisis, in early May 2021, India identified another deadly infection spreading across five states called “Black Fungus”. As of now, more than 3200 Black fungus cases are reported from India and the number of deaths related to the disease are on the rise while Sri Lanka is on the verge of facing a similar eventuality.
According to health officials of India, the Black fungus can be spread quickly when people care less about the hygiene of their face masks. It’s reported that many people use the same face mask over and over again, without properly washing it or sanitizing it. This creates a favourable environment for different bacteria as well as fungi to grow and eventually affect the immunity system.
Hence, health authorities highly recommend maintaining hygiene standards of face masks at all times to prevent the Black fungus coming along with Covid-19.
What is Black fungus?
Black fungus, scientifically known as Mucormycosis is a rare infection. It is caused by exposure to mucor mould that is commonly found in soil, plants, decaying fruits and vegetables. Basically, this disease caused by the mould found in damp environments. It is confirmed that Black fungus is not spreading from person to person. The black fungus affects sinuses and lungs once a person inhales fungal spores in the air. Also, it can affect the skin followed by an injured surface such as a cut or a burn. Disease symptoms include facial swelling, fever, skin ulcers and black lesions in the mouth. As confirmed by Indian Health Ministry, once the Black fungus is infected it has the potential of spreading over the eyes, lungs and even brain. Then it leads to discolouration over the nose, double vision, chest pain and breathing difficulties and coughing blood.How the Black fungus related to Covid-19?
According to health authorities, weak immunity systems are more prone to get infected by the fungus. Especially, People who are suffering from Covid – 19 and others who have recovered from coronavirus with a weak immunity should be more careful from the fast-spreading fungal infection. Not only that but also patients with diseases that weaken the immunity such as diabetics, cancer and HIV/AIDS must be cautious of the Black fungus. It is accepted that Balck fungus is triggered by steroids, a life-saving medicine given for critically ill Covid -19 patients. Steroids are given to reduce the damage which occurs when a person’s immunity goes overdrive to fight against coronavirus. At the same time steroids tend to reduce the overall immunity and pump up the blood sugar level for both diabetics and non-diabetics’ patients.