COVID-19 Very High Level of risk in Sri Lanka
Travel restrictions are a crucial part of the strategy to curb the spread of COVID 19 in Sri Lanka when the country is listed for Level 4 risk for travelers. However, maintaining physical distance to prevent COVID-19 is often difficult on public transportation conveyances. People may not be able to distance themselves by the recommended minimum of 6 feet from other people seated nearby or those standing in or passing through in trains and busses.
Cleaning high-touch surfaces and increasing ventilation are a few vital things staff of public transport should maintain for the safety of its passengers. People taking public transport should still take steps to protect themselves and others. If you are not vaccinated yet you should take the top prevention strategy by getting vaccinated against COVID-19. If you are yet to receive the vaccine then you should follow the following safety precautions.
Wearing a mask over your nose and mouth is required on planes, buses, trains, and other forms of public transportation and while indoors at transportation hubs, such as airports and train and bus stations keep he mask on for everyone’s safety.
The 4-level system
This categorizes destinations, including international destinations, into the following levels:
Level 4: Very high level of COVID-19
Avoid travel to this destination.
Level 3: High level of COVID-19
Make sure you are fully vaccinated before travel.
Unvaccinated travelers should avoid nonessential travel to this destination.
Level 2: Moderate level of COVID-19
Make sure you are fully vaccinated before travel.
Unvaccinated travelers who are at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19 should avoid nonessential travel to this destination. If you must travel and have concerns, talk to your doctor.
Level 1: Low level of COVID-19
Make sure you are fully vaccinated before traveling to this destination.
The government also advises the general public to try to remain at their residences and head out as of when it is absolutely necessary and on unavoidable circumstances only. Below are contact numbers that you would find useful if you have questions on travel restrictions and other queries with regards to transportation.
Ministry of Transport Services Management
0112 187 200
Airport & Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) Ltd
0112 264 444