How Marketers Build Community During The Wake Of COVID-19
Social distancing seems to be the new norm going forward after the Coronavirus pandemic. However, this is not something new since the advent of social media and technology revolving around it. People are more connected digitally than personally. We have more friends on social media than we do in real life is the ideal case to prove this. In a world that threatens the very existence of humankind as the dominant species. We are compelled to stay indoors similar to being in caves to avoid worldly threats back in the day.
The Great Stay Home due to COVID-19 seems to further galvanize the 21st-century digital era by further distancing people physically and connecting them more digitally.
Many organizations are working together with partners to see it through the pandemic. As per the COVID-19 stories, marketers are pivoting work together more strongly than ever. Blogs are posting job opportunities of partner companies and sending e-cards sharing insights and industry knowledge eventually building a digital community based on trust and care.
Since News is overwhelmed with COVID-19 stories there is no room for any other article in any verticle. Hence, some do their articles and press releases in an angle relevant to the current news.
It’s encouraging to see how businesses evolve with the trends and see things from a different angle. After all, innovation secures the sustainability of brands through time.
Let us know how you have helped others and innovated during the pandemic in the comments or on social media.